Thursday, January 01, 2009

3 New Home Video Channels for your New Year's Viewing Pleasure

Over the holidays, I've been cleaning out an old VHS tape cupboard and transferring many of the videos to digital format using this new toy I got for Christmas so I can clean out the closet and get rid of the tapes.

In addition, I dug through all the little home videos that Liz had shot on her digital camera of Max's and Molly's school functions and posted them all on the web under my account.

To make it easier to find the videos, I've created three distinct channels for your viewing pleasure:

Max's Home Videos: Videos primarily featuring Maxwell

Molly's Home Videos: Videos primarily featuring Molly

Jarrett's Music Videos: Don't worry -- not me making music, but videos of my family members, for example, Griffin and Liz, in their musical endeavors.

There's a few other videos posted there too that don't fall neatly into one of these three channels -- like this video of Liz's Baby Shower (without Liz being present) or this video of my nephew Caiden as an infant.

If you want to automatically download the latest copies of all my videos that I publish at this site (including a few not included in those 3 channels), you can either subscribe to my RSS Feed or simply click on this iTunes link and you'll be automatically subscribed (assuming you have iTunes installed on your computer).

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